Ok, I'll admit it, I am a Star Trek fan....(not the geeky kind that plans his annual vacation and budget around 10,000 other fans dressed in costumes of various alien species, but a fan non the less). Why the title and what the heck is this all about?
It's about the journey! Life's journey and our little part in it. 15 years ago my wife (Marilyn) and I were married and began a wonderful journey together to boldly go where.....(there's that Star Trek reference again!) and we did and still are! Our adventures together have taken us to strange new worlds (ok, I'll stop it now), lead us to raise 4 great children, go through life's ups & downs and recently allowed us to open up our own business (hence WiseSize!).
In coming writings, we will share some of the great things we have found on this journey in our business, loves and life. This is about all things good and our celebration of them. So for now, this is just a introduction writing (it's also our first blog post ever) just to say hi, and we look forward to sharing with you and hearing from you soon!
Ken & Marilyn - WiseSize Inc.

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