Tuesday, August 25, 2009

September 9-11 2001 Tribute - May We Never Forget!

This is one of the more moving tributes of that terrible day when America was attacked. We Need to Remember and Never Forget the people we lost that day, the brave everyday people who were the true heroes and the rest of who's lives it changed forever!

As September 11 2009 approaches, I think back on what was I doing the moment I first learned or heard of this terrible event; I was at the eye doctors waiting for an appointment and starred at the tv screen and did not move for almost an hour, I called Marilyn (who was home recovering from surgery) which she said seemed so minimal after hearing this.

What were you doing when you first learned of this tragic event?

This video is about 5 minutes long but well worth it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had just woken up and was watching the news when this tagedy happened.

May God bless all of the families of that terrible day and bless the workers who lost their lives.