Friday, July 8, 2011

Our Friend Kelsey's TV Show Pilot

Kelsey, a good friend of ours, has created a cool TV show for Portland Oregon area landmarks, places of interest and just anything cool about the Portland area. She is the star of this series and in Marilyn and my opinion kicks some major butt! The show is called MERGE (merging all that is cool in Portland into one series). Please check out their Youtube channel and give your support. Among the local networks, they are also talking with The Travel Channel for distribution - Best of luck Kelsey & friends - we watched all the episodes so far and were amazed at the awesomeness of this show!

Check out YouTube channel: Merge

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How To Deal With Toxic People

I think Natural Sunshine does a good job explaining how to deal with a few toxic people types we all run into - No one in your life who loves you or says they are your friend will EVER try to kill your dreams, put them down or make you feel bad for being who you are and want to be!